Welcome to the DIG SOUTH NFT Artist Alley
Andrew E. Brereton (aebrer) is a scientist, programmer, and generative artist with an obsession for entropy and data visualization. When not working at his day job, doing machine learning research and drug design at the biotechnology company Cyclica in Toronto (with his PhD in biophysics), Andrew creates generative neoretro pixelart on the Pico-8 fantasy console. His exploration of spirals, recursion, and dynamic equilibria is both mesmerizing and beautiful. Also featured in the gallery is his latest project “pico_punks” pfps, 100% code generated live “punks,” written and run on Pico-8.
If you like aebrer’s art, be sure to check his latest project, “ideocartography_realized” where he takes the Beginner Ideocartography pieces minted on fx(hash) and reinterprets them via AI (specifically @useconjure).
And if you like games, check out aebrer’s first full length, text-adventure/horror/generative art game, about entropy and loss, created on Pico-8 (free to play): https://lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=47359
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