Welcome to the DIG SOUTH NFT Artist Alley
Des Lucréce
“I'm a Norwegian-born Vietnamese artist living and working in the US. My studio work delves into my experience of having what I call "No Home Center." A common but not discussed issue as a 2nd generation Asian immigrant is that we are too Asian for Westerners and too western for Asia. This, coupled with being called a foreigner in the places I've lived, has created a rift between me and the places I've called home. In essence, "No Home Center" is a disconnect between our sense of belonging and identity.
I've encountered many types of personalities throughout my life ranging from welcoming to— not as much. With the rise of covid, Asian xenophobia was at its all-time high. My mother ran a nail salon throughout the pandemic in a small southern town. It doesn't take a creative imagination to imagine what could've been said about her and her business during this time. The Monsters project was born out of creating portraits of the types of personalities I saw spreading hate online about either the business or Asian people as a whole. The project has since grown to include other characters I've encountered while being viewed as the other.”
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