Welcome to the DIG SOUTH NFT Artist Alley
Main site: tok-blok.com
TOKS project: toksnft.com
TokBLOK is an American NFT artist raised in the Dirty Myrtle Redneck Riviera of the South Carolina coastline. TokBLOK’s formative years were spent making questionable life-decisions and YOUTUBE comedy sketches with his friends. Aesthetically, TokBLOK’s artwork has been described as an unsettling bastard stepchild of the late 80’s/early 90’s stop motion that captured a generation of now comatose adults. The artist has spent a lifetime compulsively honing his craft on pizza boxes, bar receipts, and other miscellaneous items within reach. TokBLOK’s mix of physical and digital mediums works to manhandle various miniature monstrosities that the artist hopes will leave his fans with a sense of curiosity and a little nostalgia. Above all things TokBLOK’s artwork seeks to answer a single, personal lifelong question- “What would my Batman villain look like?”
The TOKS project is a collection of 10K clay sculpted, extraterrestrial species originating from the farthest points in the universe. Consisting of 180 plus traits, and traveling by astral cars, these beings made their crash landing debut on the Ethereum blockchain. TOKS serve as a membership for exclusive airdrops, prizes, and double as a boarding pass to the TOK'S astral car.
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